Initial Claimdrop Functional Specification

1. Purpose

The purpose of this document is to outline functional specifications for the web-based UI relating to the initial SPK Network token claimdrop.

2. Scope

This document will focus on the initial SPK Network token claimdrop functionality within a web-based end user application. Hive blockchain participants will need to claim the SPK Network token, LARYNX, to take part in the SPK Network Peerplays community on the first day of its release.

2.1. Components

Specific components and features covered include:

  • the SPK Network Claimdrop Homepage Layout

  • Hive Participant Authentication Methods:

    • Hive Posting Key

    • Hive Keychain

    • Hivesigner

  • Initial Claimdrop Page:

    • instructions for claiming tokens

    • form for claiming tokens

    • checking the status of claimed tokens

  • Claimdrop Lookup Page:

    • search available claimdrops by Hive account name

  • Help Page for First Level of User Support:

    • FAQs

    • How-To Guide

    • "Contact Us" info

3. Document Conventions

For the purpose of traceability, the following code(s) will be used in this functional specification:



Initial Claimdrop Requirement

The keyword shall indicates a requirement statement.

The word app in this document refers to the web-based UI relating to the initial SPK Network token claimdrop that is the subject of this document (unless otherwise noted.)

4. Process Overview

The processes which will be described here:

  • Authentication Methods

    • using the Hive participant's Hive posting key

    • using Hive Keychain

    • using Hivesigner

  • Claiming Tokens & Checking the Status of Claimed Tokens

  • Lookup Claimdrops Available by Account Name (amount of LARYNX)

  • Finding Help

4.1. Authentication Methods

4.1.1. Using the Hive Participant's Hive Posting Key

To authenticate using the Hive Participant's Hive Posting Key:

  1. User navigates to the initial claimdrop page of the app. Or the user clicks the authentication indicator in the app header.

  2. User selects the option to sign in with their Hive Posting Key.

  3. User is prompted to enter their Hive account name and Hive Posting key in a login form and clicks submit.

  4. The app can use the Hive Posting key to authenticate the user on the Hive blockchain.

4.1.2. Using Hive Keychain

Reference: Hive Keychain

To authenticate using Hive Keychain:

  1. User navigates to the initial claimdrop page of the app. Or the user clicks the authentication indicator in the app header.

  2. User selects the option to sign in with Hive Keychain.

  3. The Hive Keychain login modal pops up to prompt the user to sign in.

  4. The app can use the key verification feature of Hive Keychain to authenticate the user.

4.1.3. Using Hivesigner (Implicit Grant Flow)

Reference: Implicit Grant Flow with Hivesigner OAuth2

To authenticate using Hivesigner:

  1. User navigates to the initial claimdrop page of the app. Or the user clicks the authentication indicator in the app header.

  2. User selects the option to sign in with Hivesigner.

  3. User is asked to authorize the app.

  4. Hivesigner OAuth2 authentication server passes an access token back to the app.

  5. The access token (while not expired) authenticates the user in the app.

4.2. Claiming Tokens & Viewing Claimdrop Status

Assumptions: The user participates in the Hive blockchain and owns HIVE and/or HIVE POWER (HP).

To claim SPK Network tokens and/or check the status of their claim:

  1. User navigates to the initial claimdrop page of the app.

  2. User authenticates their Hive account using one of the three authentication methods.

    1. User is asked to authorize the app.

    2. Hivesigner OAuth2 authentication server passes an access token back to the app.

  3. User, now authenticated, can view the snapshot data related to their Hive account including:

    1. How much LARYNX is available for them to claim.

    2. How much they have already claimed.

    3. If a Peerplays account exists for them.

    4. If so, their basic Peerplays account information.

  4. User clicks a button to claim their available LARYNX tokens.

    1. A Peerplays account is created and the tokens are sent there.

    2. User is notified of a successful claim and the status is updated.

4.3. Looking Up Available Claimdrops by Account Name

To find available claimdrops (amount of LARYNX) for any given Hive account name:

  1. User navigates to the lookup claimdrops page of the app.

  2. User enters a Hive account name into the provided search bar and clicks a submit button.

  3. The page will display, for the given account name:

    1. amount of LARYNX available to claim

    2. claims that have already been made with their timestamps and amounts

    3. the Peerplays account associated with the Hive account

4.4. Finding Help

To find help:

  1. User navigates to the help page of the app.

    1. User navigates to the FAQ page.

    2. User navigates to the Contact Us page.

5. Context

The app will provide a user-friendly experience with the single purpose of allowing Hive blockchain participants to claim SPK Network tokens on the Peerplays blockchain, namely:


These tokens are being distributed through a claimdrop mechanism to holders of HIVE and HP. Participants of the Hive blockchain require a way to claim these tokens. Peerplays accounts must also be provided for claiming these tokens as the SPK Network tokens will be native to the Peerplays blockchain. The initial claimdrop is scheduled for January 2022. After the initial claimdrop, subsequent monthly claimdrops will occur for a limited time. Last, tokens left unclaimed after the claimdrop period is over will be distributed so as not to lock up the tokens.

Some details about the claimdrop:

5.1 LARNYX token tokenomics


Total LARYNX Tokens

This will be equal to the total number of HIVE and HIVE POWER at the time of snapshot

HBD and claimdrop

HBD is not considered for claimdrop


Each HIVE or HIVE POWER will get 1 LARYNX

Are there any accounts excluded?

At this point we have excluded the Hive DAO account and the null account

6. Design Diagrams

6.1. Images

FIG 1. SPK Network Claimdrop: Homepage Design Wireframe

FIG 2. SPK Network Claimdrop: Initial Claimdrop Page Design Wireframe


7. Requirements

Requirements specific to the items outlined in this functional specification are as follows.

7.1. App Layout

  • ICD-1 if an error occurs at any point, the app shall display meaningful error information to the user and provide them with actions they can take to attempt to resolve the error.

  • ICD-2 shall be publicly available for all site visitors.

  • ICD-3 shall display the site header and footer for all pages of the app, with the exception of pages necessary for authentication.

  • ICD-4 shall display branding and graphical design consistent with Peerplays, SPK Network, and Hive branding guidelines throughout the app.

7.2. App Header

  • ICD-5 shall display identifying branding.

  • ICD-6 shall provide an authentication indicator which signals the authentication status of the user.

  • ICD-7 shall allow a user to begin any authentication workflow via the authentication indicator.

  • ICD-8 shall allow an authenticated user to navigate to their claim status information.

  • ICD-9 shall display identifying branding.

  • ICD-10 shall provide navigation to the following app pages/features:

    • The homepage

    • The claimdrop lookup page

    • The claim page

    • The help page

  • ICD-11 shall provide links to off-site resources relevant to the SPK Network Claimdrop.

7.4. App Homepage

  • ICD-12 shall display a call to action for users to navigate to the claim page.

  • ICD-13 shall provide a link to the claim page.

  • ICD-14 shall display a countdown timer to the end of the current claimdrop period.

  • ICD-15 shall display a section with details about the claimdrop, including but not limited to:

    • The claimdropped tokens (LARYNX)

    • Info about SPK Network

    • Info about Peerplays

    • Rules of the claimdrop, timeframes, unclaimed tokens, etc.

    • Links to relevant sources

    • Other marketing material

7.5. App Lookup Claimdrop Page

  • ICD-16 shall provide a search bar for searching claimdrops by Hive account name.

  • ICD-17 shall, upon a successful search, display the following for the given Hive account:

    • amount of LARYNX available to claim

    • claims that have already been made with their timestamps and amounts

    • the Peerplays account associated with the Hive account

  • ICD-18 shall, upon an unsuccessful search, display a "Hive account not found. Please try a different Hive account name." message.

7.6. App Claim Page

Every Hive blockchain user who is not in a blacklist will be able to claim LARNYX miner tokens. At the beginning only null account will be present in the blacklist.

ICD-19 Special accounts and blacklist

A list of accounts will be maintained for special accounts and blacklisted accounts. The special accounts, like the Hive DAO account, will be exclused from the claimdrop. A blacklist will be maintained which also excludes the listed accounts from the claimdrop. This is a precautionary feature. Initially only the null account of the Hive blockchain will be added to the blacklist.

  • If a Hive account is added as a blacklisted account, an error message shall be displayed when authenticaton is attempted with the account: "You have entered a blacklisted account [blacklisted-account-name]. No additional information is available."

  • The accounts added to the blacklist shall be permanent. No method to remove or edit them will be available.

  • ICD-20 shall display a process indicator which shows the steps of the claim process and where the user is within the process.

  • ICD-21 given the current process step the user is on, the app shall display the following:

    • If not signed in, display:

      • message prompting the user to authenticate their Hive account

      • a button to begin any authentication workflow

      • the remaining time left to initiate a claim

    • If signed in, but the user has not claimed any tokens, display:

      • the user's Hive username and profile picture

      • the user's snapshot balances

      • tokens available to claim

      • a button to initiate a claim during the claimdrop period. [claim-drop-button]

      • the claim drop button will be active only during the claim drop period

      • the remaining time left to initiate a claim

    • If signed in, and the user has claimed some tokens, display:

      • the user's Hive username and profile picture

      • the user's snapshot balances

      • the user's previous claims if any, with timestamps

      • the user's account information for the Hive and Peerplays blockchains

7.7. App Help Page

  • ICD-22 shall display navigation to all available support channels, such as:

    • FAQs

    • How-To Guides

    • Support Contact Info

Last updated

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