APP-FS08 Browse View
The Peerplays NFT Store application functional requirements specification for the browsing views of objects.
1. Purpose
The purpose of this functional specification (FS) document is to detail functional requirements for the Peerplays NFT Store application (the “app”) relating to the object lists from a business and user perspective.
2. Document Tracking
2.1. Parent Document
This document is a child document of the NFT Store Requirements Specification.
2.2. Categorization
This document relates to the following tags.
App Component
Page Fragment
3. Scope
This FS will describe the requirements and basic design for the app’s object lists.
3.1. Components
Specific components and features covered in this FS include:
Browsing Views for each object (Peers, Galleries, Collections, NFTs, and Activities)
Compact Lists
Roomy Lists
Search, Filter, and Sort while Browsing
Pagination Controls
4. Document Conventions
For the purpose of traceability, the following code(s) will be used in this functional specification:
App Component Requirement - Browse View
The keyword shall
indicates a requirement statement.
The keywords may
, could
, and should
are not requirements but rather indicate items related to requirements that are worthy of consideration.
The following terms are used to describe specific users of the application:
Unauthenticated (not logged in) users are known as
.Authenticated (logged in) users are known as
The following terms are used to describe levels of user entitlement within the application:
is view only (except for account creation and logging in) and used for visitors.An
can interact with the market, including buying and optionally re-selling NFTs, but can’t make new NFTs.A
can create NFTs and sell them in addition to what the enjoyer can do.A
is an administrator level user with all entitlements.
5. Context
For a complete app, users must be able to view many related objects on one page. The way these objects are presented must be flexible to provide a high level of customization by the end user. Users have different needs depending on their goal. Some users want a dense and information rich display while others want a minimal or image focused display.
6. Design Wire-frames
The wire-frames listed below are meant to represent the app’s browsing views in various states. These are provided to assist in understanding of what features may look like or their potential use. Final designs may be vastly different from these images.
6.1. Browsing View Layout

6.2. Peer Object Browsing Views

6.3. Gallery Object Browsing Views

6.4. Collection Object Browsing Views

6.5. NFT Object Browsing Views

6.6. Activity Object Browsing Views

7. Requirements
Requirements specific to the items listed in this FS are as follows.
7.1. Compact Lists
The compact list browsing views:
APP-FS08-1: shall display information about its objects in a tabular format.
APP-FS08-2: shall display a header row with column names.
APP-FS08-3: shall provide controls in the header to sort columns based on their values, if appropriate.
APP-FS08-4: shall display columns of a width appropriate for their values.
APP-FS08-5: shall highlight row which the user is hovering on.
APP-FS08-6: shall highlight row which the user has clicked on (focused).
APP-FS08-7: shall provide a contextual menu icon while the user is hovering on the object record.
This context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
flag for moderation
This context menu (for Activities) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
If the user owns the object, the context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following instead:
edit [object]
delete [object]
APP-FS08-8: shall display values with rich media where appropriate (images, notification bubbles, icons, tags, etc.)
APP-FS08-9: shall provide links within the table values for easy navigation and / or functions (follow this peer, etc.)
7.1.1. Peers
Compact lists for Peer object records:
APP-FS08-10: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
avatar image
public display name
number of views
number of follows
number of NFTs in the Display Case
number of galleries (and list of popular galleries)
number of collections (and list of popular collections)
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
number of recent activities
7.1.2. Galleries
Compact lists for Gallery object records:
APP-FS08-11: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
gallery image
gallery name
gallery creator
number of views
number of follows
number of collections (and list of popular collections)
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
number of recent activities
7.1.3. Collections
Compact lists for Collection object records:
APP-FS08-12: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
collection image
collection name
gallery name
collection creator
number of views
number of follows
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
number of recent activities
7.1.4. NFTs
Compact lists for NFT object records:
APP-FS08-13: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
NFT image
NFT name
collection name
NFT owner
number of views
number of follows
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other NFT specific metadata)
number of recent activities
current price (sale) or current bid (auction)
accepted currency
user control to buy or place a bid
price data (% change)
volume data
remaining time at auction
7.1.5. Activities
Compact lists for Activity object records:
APP-FS08-14: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
date and time of activity
activity name (tag)
detailed activity description with relevant links
transaction ID
7.2. Roomy Lists
The roomy list browsing views:
APP-FS08-15: shall display information about its objects in a multi line list format.
APP-FS08-16: shall display one or two columns as appropriate based on responsive design media queries (screen width).
APP-FS08-17: shall highlight object record which user is hovering on.
APP-FS08-18: shall highlight object record which user has clicked on (focused).
APP-FS08-19: shall provide a contextual menu icon while the user is hovering on the object record.
This context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
flag for moderation
This context menu (for Activities) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
If the user owns the object, the context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following instead:
edit [object]
delete [object]
APP-FS08-20: shall display values with rich media where appropriate (images, notification bubbles, icons, tags, etc.)
APP-FS08-21: shall provide links within the object record values for easy navigation and / or functions (follow this peer, etc.)
7.2.1. Peers
Roomy lists for Peer object records:
APP-FS08-22: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
avatar image
public display name
social media links
public profile description (if available)
gallery names with links (if available)
collection names with links (if available)
number of views
number of follows
number of NFTs in the Display Case
number of galleries
number of collections
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
number of recent activities
7.2.2. Galleries
Roomy lists for Gallery object records:
APP-FS08-23: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
gallery image
gallery name
gallery creator
gallery description (if available)
sample of collection images (if available)
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
number of views
number of follows
number of collections
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
number of recent activities
7.2.3. Collections
Roomy lists for Collection object records:
APP-FS08-24: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
collection image
collection name
gallery name
collection creator
collection description (if available)
sample of NFT images (if available)
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
number of views
number of follows
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
number of recent activities
7.2.4. NFTs
Roomy lists for NFT object records:
APP-FS08-25: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
NFT image
NFT name
collection name
NFT owner
NFT description (if available)
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
number of views
number of follows
number of recent activities
current price (sale) or current bid (auction)
accepted currency
user control to buy or place a bid
price data (% change)
volume data
remaining time at auction
7.2.5. Activities
Roomy lists for Activity object records:
APP-FS08-26: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
date and time of activity
small activity graphical diagram (see section 6.6 above for examples)
activity name (tag)
detailed activity description with relevant links
transaction ID
7.3. Grids
The grid browsing views:
APP-FS08-27: shall display information about its objects in a grid (card) format.
APP-FS08-28: shall display one to six columns as appropriate based on responsive design media queries (screen width).
APP-FS08-29: shall highlight object record which user is hovering on.
APP-FS08-30: shall highlight object record which user has clicked on (focused).
APP-FS08-31: shall provide a contextual menu icon while the user is hovering on the object record.
This context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
flag for moderation
This context menu (for Activities) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
If the user owns the object, the context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following instead:
edit [object]
delete [object]
APP-FS08-32: shall display additional information, if available, while the user is hovering and / or focused on the object record.
APP-FS08-33: shall display values with rich media where appropriate (images, notification bubbles, icons, tags, etc.)
APP-FS08-34: shall provide links within the object record values for easy navigation and / or functions (follow this peer, etc.)
7.3.1. Peers
Grids for Peer object records:
APP-FS08-35: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
avatar image
public display name
number of NFTs in the Display Case
number of galleries
number of collections
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
social media links
7.3.2. Galleries
Grids for Gallery object records:
APP-FS08-36: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
gallery image
gallery creator avatar image
gallery name
gallery creator name
gallery description (if available)
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
7.3.3. Collections
Grids for Collection object records:
APP-FS08-37: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
collection image
collection name
gallery name
collection creator
collection description (if available)
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
7.3.4. NFTs
Grids for NFT object records:
APP-FS08-38: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
NFT image
NFT name
collection name
remaining time at auction
current price (sale) or current bid (auction)
accepted currency
user control to buy or place a bid
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
NFT owner
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
7.3.5. Activities
Grids for Activity object records:
APP-FS08-39: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
date and time of activity
medium activity graphical diagram (see section 6.6 above for examples)
activity name (tag)
detailed activity description with relevant links
transaction ID
7.4. Mosaics
The mosaic browsing views:
APP-FS08-40: shall display information about its objects in a mosaic tile (tessellation) format.
APP-FS08-41: shall display one to six columns as appropriate based on responsive design media queries (screen width).
APP-FS08-42: shall highlight object record which user is hovering on.
APP-FS08-43: shall highlight object record which user has clicked on (focused).
APP-FS08-44: shall provide a contextual menu icon while the user is hovering and / or focused on the object record.
This context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
flag for moderation
This context menu (for Activities) shall contain the following options:
follow this [object]
If the user owns the object, the context menu (for Peers, Galleries, Collections, and NFTs) shall contain the following instead:
edit [object]
delete [object]
APP-FS08-45: shall display additional information, if available, while the user is hovering and / or focused on the object record.
APP-FS08-46: shall display values with rich media where appropriate (images, notification bubbles, icons, tags, etc.) while the user is hovering and / or focused on the object record.
APP-FS08-47: shall provide links within the object record values for easy navigation and / or functions (follow this peer, etc.)
7.4.1. Peers
Mosaics for Peer object records:
APP-FS08-48: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
avatar image
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
public display name
number of galleries
number of collections
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
7.4.2. Galleries
Mosaics for Gallery object records:
APP-FS08-49: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
gallery image
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
gallery name
gallery creator name
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
7.4.3. Collections
Mosaics for Collection object records:
APP-FS08-50: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
collection image
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
collection name
gallery name
collection creator
number of NFTs on sale (or auction)
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
7.4.4. NFTs
Mosaics for NFT object records:
APP-FS08-51: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
NFT image
Additionally, when hovered and / or focused, include:
NFT name
remaining time at auction
current price (sale) or current bid (auction)
accepted currency
user control to buy or place a bid
list of tags (categorizations, traits, other metadata)
7.4.5. Activities
Mosaics for Activity object records:
APP-FS08-52: shall include, but is not limited to, the following fields related to each object:
relative time of activity
large activity graphical diagram (see section 6.6 above for examples)
activity name (tag)
transaction ID
7.5. Search, Filter, and Sort while Browsing
The browsing view, in the context of searching, filtering, sorting, and display:
APP-FS08-53: shall allow the user to hide and unhide the search menu.
APP-FS08-54: shall display the active text search query and active filters to the user.
APP-FS08-55: shall allow the user to cancel any individual active text search query or filter.
APP-FS08-56: shall allow the user to cancel all active text search queries and filters with one “clear all“ (or similar) function.
APP-FS08-57: shall provide a text search control with all standard search control features. (See APP-FS25 Search Functions)
APP-FS08-58: shall provide filter options to the user with the following specifications:
Filter options are grouped into expanding menus.
Filter options are based on available object metadata from within the subset of currently queried and filtered objects. (drill down filtering)
Filter option controls can be ranged sliders, check boxes, radio boxes, combo boxes, drop down lists, or any other control that best fits the metadata values.
APP-FS08-59: shall provide the following display options:
Display type
Number of results returned per page
APP-FS08-60: shall allow sorting of the returned object records based on available object metadata.
APP-FS08-61: shall allow sorting via ascending and descending values.
APP-FS08-62: shall allow the selection of the following display types:
Compact List
Roomy List
APP-FS08-63: shall allow the user to select the number of object records to display per page (via pagination) from a list of sensible breakpoints, such as:
24, 48, 96, 192, and 384 (if 6 column display)
20, 40, 80, 160, and 320 (if 5 column display)
12, 36, 72, 144, and 288 (if 1, 2, 3, or 4 column display)
APP-FS08-64: shall allow the user, as an alternative to results per page, to enable an infinite scroll option to load more results when scrolling to the end of the current results.
7.6. Pagination Controls
The browsing view, in the context of pagination controls:
APP-FS08-65: shall provide the following abilities:
View the next page of results, if available
View the previous page of results, if available
Display the total number of result pages
Display the current page number
Jump to a specified page number
Display the total number of object records in the results
APP-FS08-66: shall not display pagination controls if infinite scroll is enabled. Instead, the page shall indicate when more records are loading or the end of the results have been reached.
8. Appendix A: Glossary
Requirements Specification
Functional Specification
Non-Fungible Token(s)
User Interface
User Experience
Last updated
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