1. Purpose
The purpose of this document is to outline requirements for status monitoring of Sidechain Operation Nodes for purpose of determining whether SONs are active and able to participate in blockchain transactions.
2. Scope
The functional requirement listed in this document will be limited to the configuration portion of the SON. This will outline the required steps that will be performed by the Peerplays node operator to enable/disable Sidechain plugin in the Peerplays blockchain from the command line. Also outlined here will be the sequence in which the required steps will be performed including:
SON heartbeats
SON maintenance mode actions
SON de-registration
3. Background
The Bitcoin Sidechain functionality has been implemented in the Peerplays blockchain but it doesn't take into account, the change of SONs. As per the current implementation of Sidechain, a multisig bitcoin wallet will be created on the bitcoin blockchain to hold the bitcoins that have been deposited into the pBTC accounts of the Peerplays users. Every SON will have a bitcoin transaction signing key for this multisig bitcoin wallet and will be required to sign any withdrawal transaction. When a SONs changes, the transaction signing key of the outgoing SON needs to be removed from the multisig bitcoin wallet and the key of the incoming SON needs to be added. The suggested proposal is to make the Sidechain code available as a plugin and assign the responsibility for running the sidechain code to separate nodes called the Sidechain Operating Nodes (SONs).
4. Process Overview
Described here is the process of SON status reporting (heartbeat) and maintenance mode activities.
System sends heartbeat to registered SONs based on specified frequency
Process responses:
Active and Request Maintenance SONs will respond to heartbeat
Update statistics with last active timestamp and transactions signed updates
In maintenance and inactive SONs will not respond to heartbeat
not responding
check if last active timestamp exceeds heartbeat frequency by factor of 2
if yes - set state to inactive
if no, do nothing
in maintenance flow
check current interval downtime
if less than 12 hrs, do nothing
if more than or equal to 12 hrs - deregister SON
5. Context
The Peerplays blockchain will allow the node operators to enable/disable the Sidechain functionality on their node. They will have to stake PPY 50 to be able to register as an SON. As soon as the Sidechain functionality is enabled/disabled and the user vests 50 PPY, the Peerplays blockchain will add the node to its list of Sidechain enabled nodes and make the node operator available for SON voting. An SON enabled node will be able to operate as an SON only when it receives the votes required to become one of the top 15 SONs.
6. Flow Diagram
7. Requirements
SON monitoring is required because only active SONs can participate in blockchain transactions.
Note that new SON's start in inactive status then become active during first maintenance block and begin send
7.1. SON Status monitoring and statistics (Heartbeat)
System must include an automated heartbeat check that monitors status of registered SONs per each 180 second interval (heartbeat interval). This interval must be configurable via chain_parameters in extensions.son_heartbeat_frequency, and set to 180 seconds by default. (Other configuration may be possible via genesis.json). Note that this interval may be different in production, but for testing purposes it should be within 3 minutes.
Heartbeats must be sent by SONs who are in active, or request_maintenance status. All sent heartbeat activity must be logged. SONs in inactive status must not send heartbeat.
The following other statistics must be tracked and logged as part of heartbeat monitoring:
number of transactions signed - number of transactions signed by SON. This value must be updated each time a transaction is signed. This counter is reset during SON rewards
total downtime - compounded time that SON was down represented in HH:MM:SS format. This value must be updated to compound all current interval downtime values.
current interval downtime - Time since last transition to in_maintenance
last down timestamp - timestamp of last transition to in_maintenance status
last active timestamp - timestamp of last transition to active status, or last heartbeat where status is active or request_maintenance.
SONs in active or request_maintenance must be treated as active for the purpose of transaction signing.
SONs in in_maintenance or inactive status must not participate in transaction signing.
Statistics for active SONs must be updated after every heartbeat where SON is active, request maintenance.
7.2. Requesting maintenance
System must include a wallet command which requests SON to be placed in maintenance mode. Requesting SON maintenance must be available to SONs in active status. Once request SON maintenance is initiated, target SON must be set to in_maintenance at the upcoming chain maintenance interval.
SONs in maintenance modes can be changed to active or inactive mode via sending a heartbeat.
System must allow cancelling of maintenance request via cancel_request_son_maintenance command. System must restrict this command to SONs in request_maintenance status.
After successful execution of cancel maintenance request, SON must be placed into active status.7.3
7.3. Reporting unavailable SONs
SON monitoring process must track SONs which miss a heartbeat and declare an SON inactive if an SON misses two consecutive heartbeats. Tracking missed heartbeats must reset for each SON where a heartbeat is received after a missed heartbeat.
7.4 SON De-registration Operation
System must de-register SONs that have been in maintenance state for longer than allowed. Allowed maintenance threshold must be a configurable parameter extensions.son_deregister_time, with 12 hours being the default value. Alternatively, deregister threshold may be specified in genesis.json
Once system identifies an SON that has been in maintence state for longer than specified threshold, system must create a proposal with son delete operation raised by one of schedules SONs.
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