Privacy Mode

Privacy Mode


These methods are used for stealth transfers This method can be used to set a label for a public key

bool graphene::wallet::wallet_api::set_key_label(
    public_key_type key, 
    string label)
  • key: a public key

  • label: a user-defined string as label


Get label of a public key.

string graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_key_label(
    public_key_type key)const
  • key: a public key


Get the public key associated with a given label

public_key_type graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_public_key(
    string label)const
  • label: a label


Get all blind accounts.

map<string, public_key_type> graphene::

All blind accounts


Get all blind accounts for which this wallet has the private key.

map<string, public_key_type> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_my_blind_accounts()const

All blind accounts for which this wallet has the private key.


Return the total balances of all blinded commitments that can be claimed by the given account key or label.

vector<asset> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::get_blind_balances(
    string key_or_label)
  • key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label


Generates a new blind account for the given brain key and assigns it the given label

public_key_type graphene::
::create_blind_account(string label, string brain_key)
  • label: a label

  • brain_key: the brain key to be used to generate a new blind account


Transfers a public balance from from_account_id_or_name to one or more blinded balances using a stealth transfer.

    string from_account_id_or_name, 
    string asset_symbol, 
    vector<pair<string, string>> to_amounts, 
    bool broadcast = false)
  • from_account_id_or_name: ID or name of an account to transfer from

  • asset_symbol: symbol or ID of the asset to be transferred

  • to_amounts: map from key or label to amount

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


Transfers funds from a set of blinded balances to a public account balance.

    string from_blind_account_key_or_label, 
    string to_account_id_or_name, 
    string amount, 
    string asset_symbol, 
    bool broadcast = false)
  • from_blind_account_key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label to transfer from

  • to_account_id_or_name: ID or name of an account to transfer to

  • amount: the amount to be transferred

  • asset_symbol: symbol or ID of the asset to be transferred

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


Transfer from one set of blinded balances to another.

    string from_key_or_label, 
    string to_key_or_label, 
    string amount, 
    string symbol, 
    bool broadcast = false)
  • from_key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label to transfer from

  • to_key_or_label: a public key in Base58 format or a label to transfer to

  • amount: the amount to be transferred

  • symbol: symbol or ID of the asset to be transferred

  • broadcast: true to broadcast the transaction on the network


Get all blind receipts to/form a particular account.

vector<blind_receipt> graphene::wallet::wallet_api::blind_history(
    string key_or_account)
  • key_or_account: a public key in Base58 format or an account


Given a confirmation receipt, this method will parse it for a blinded balance and confirm that it exists in the blockchain. If it exists then it will report the amount received and who sent it.

blind_receipt graphene::
::receive_blind_transfer(string confirmation_receipt, string opt_from, string opt_memo)
  • confirmation_receipt: a base58 encoded stealth confirmation

  • opt_from: if not empty and the sender is a unknown public key, then the unknown public key will be given the label opt_from

  • opt_memo: a self-defined label for this transfer to be saved in local wallet file

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